The year 2019 marked the 62nd Anniversary of the Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation.
The focus on social justice grantmaking continued and resulted in two new grants. In the area of political power and process, a two year grant of $90,000 was awarded to Minnesota Voice to increase voter engagement of under-represented and marginalized communities in Minnesota through their We Vote MN program. The first payment was $45,000.
In the area of civil and human rights, a three year grant of $90,000 was awarded to the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota with the goal of protecting human rights of immigrants in Minnesota through their DACA Deferred Action program. The first payment was $30,000.
In the area of environmental justice, the directors continued with the goal of changing public attitudes across diverse Minnesota communities to address climate change. Todd Otis and Charles Dayton volunteered to research opportunities in this area and to meet with organizations working towards this effort.
In addition to the social change grants, grant payments of note include a final $4,000 payment on a five year grant of $20,000 to the University of Minnesota Foundation supporting the acquisition of the Whittington Press collection by the University of Minnesota Libraries. Also, the Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project in Seattle received a three year grant of $24,000 for general operations with the first payment of $8,000.
Internal Foundation developments included attendance at the Minnesota Council on Foundations Conference by Amy Andersen and Kate Lawson. Kate Lawson also attended the Council of Foundations Conference in Miami, FL. Amy Andersen led the efforts in locating a new office space in partnership with Julian Andersen and Kate Lawson. The space will be shared with the Trillium Family Foundation.
Net assets of the Foundation increased from $5,443,031 in 2018 to $5,977,311. The investment gains for the year were $534,300, an increase of 9.8%. This increase comes off of a weak market performance in 2018 when gains were -1.7%. The Foundation granted $234,800 this year with 78 payments. This is an increase of 20% over last year’s total of $195,830. Expenses were as planned at $105,113, up 2% from last year at $102,395.
Anticipated activities in 2020 include a grant awarded in the area of environmental justice, the relocation of the Foundation offices and implementing a fresh document retention and destruction policy.