
Thanks for exploring your opportunities to collaborate with the Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation. Regardless of whether your a grantmaker or an individual, there are opportunities to support our common goals.

To Fellow Grantmakers

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our Legacy, Social Change and/or Trustee Directed grantmaking programs. Likewise, we at the Foundation are interested in knowing more about your work, particularly in the following areas:

Political Power and Process – How can the civic engagement (voter participation, political advocacy, campaign involvement, elective office seeking, etc.) of underrepresented and marginalized communities in the Twin Cities be increased?

Environmental Justice – How can we advance the changing public attitudes across diverse Minnesota communities to address climate change?

Civil/Human Rights

To Fellow Concerned Citizens and Friends

If you’re inspired by the mission of the Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation and seek to support the values and vision we share, we encourage you to find ways to support the nonprofit organizations funded by the Foundation with your time, talent and resources. You can find information on the nonprofits we support within the reports and blog entries in our news and updates section.

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