How to Apply for a Legacy Grant

The Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation has transition to a donor advised fund at the Minneapolis Foundation. Please find the new website at Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation.

Since 1957, the Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation has funded a broad range of organizations across many categories – arts and humanities, communications, education, the environment, human services and libraries. These traditional areas of interest are reflected in our legacy grantmaking program for which we are open to unsolicited applications.

In this section of the website you will find detailed information that will assist you in determining if your nonprofit organization’s work fits within our mission, legacy grant focus areas and other criteria, and, if so, how, where, and when you can apply.

Step 1: Determine if you’re a good fit.

Learn more about the legacy grant focus areas and determine if your nonprofit organization’s work is characterized by those interests. Then read through our restrictions and deadlines to determine if there are any factors that may exclude your application for consideration.

Step 2: Learn more about us.

Do you understand our mission and history? Knowing more about the mission, vision and values that define the Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation; and the types of grantees we have funded in the past, will help you craft a stronger grant proposal.

Step 3: Access the application information.

The last step in accessing our application form and submission instructions, is to complete our Eligibility Quiz. Completing the Eligibility Quiz presents a final check on how well your organization’s work fits within our legacy grantmaking program, and to determine if submitting a grant application is a worthy use of your time and resources.

After you complete the quiz, you will receive access to the application form and submission information. It will also be e-mailed to you for future reference. Have questions about this process? Please be in touch with us.