Grant proposals are accepted for the Legacy grantmaking program of the Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation. On this page you will find important information on guidelines and restrictions for Legacy Grants. Potential grantees are encouraged to read this information carefully to determine if their work aligns with these qualifications.
Information and Funding Restrictions for Legacy Grants
- The geographic focus for legacy grants is Minnesota, primarily the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
- In general, the Foundation provides support for general operations or projects rather than capital campaigns or endowments.
- Generally, support is given on an annual basis.
- Organizations may apply once annually.
- Only nonprofit, IRS-determined 501(c)(3) organizations may apply.
- Although grants outside of the range have been awarded, a reasonable request is for an amount between $1,000 and $3,000.
- The Foundation does not provide support for:
- Individuals
- Health-related organizations
- Religious organizations for religious work
- Organizations with three consecutive declined requests
- Fundraisers, one-time events, dinners, or telephone solicitations
Legacy Grant Application Deadlines
Proposals will be reviewed at Board meetings in March and October. For consideration in March, proposals must be submitted by February 1 and for consideration in October, proposals must be submitted by September 1. Applicants are notified in writing of the Board’s decision concerning their funding requests within 21 days after the date of the board meeting.
For more information, please call 651-642-0127, fax 651-645-4684, or email us. The Foundation’s IRS Form 990 is available on this site. Comprehensive information about the Foundation is also included in the Minnesota Council on Foundations’ Minnesota Grantmakers Online.